
5. Cortex: incoming message

To Coretex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Coretex address:      
Conall Murray
Port side Cargo Bay,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ


Sent: 2506/11/09 02:33 Received: 2506/11/09 02:33

Dear Mom and Dad.
 John and I went to the Moosehead again. I was kind of talked out of going to the recruiter in the morning. I was offered a change to come to Rivers edge. I caught a shuttle out of Borha from a second officer of a transport ship. I was hoping to get on with that crew, but the captain said he wasn’t looking for anyone.
 It is early in the morning down on the farm, but it is sunny up here.  I have never seen the view from the station. I can see down to the planet and the little dot, that someone told me is Borha. I can also see the moon of Dyton.
  If the recruiter sends someone around looking for me tell him I took a side trip. I am hoping I can find a job up here. I was told that there are always opportunities in orbit. That a man can’t find down on the planet.
 Can you also send a wave to John telling him were I am at. We got separated shortly after he announced who he worked for. I sure he is okay. But might want to just send a wave along to make sure. I would but it cost 3 credits to send waves down to the planet side.
 Love you and please down worry,