
54. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Stockholm station, Jubilee, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/29  17:03 Received: 2506/11/29 17:41

Dear Mom,
  I got your wave. When did dad go to the work camp? I guess you didn’t tell me because I would have headed out on the Basure. Is he alright? Can you tell me anything else?
  I am glad the farm is saved for now.  I have asked the captain for an advance, on my wages.  She laughed but when I told why she gave it to me and said that she was glad to help.  I have paid the first payment on the farm.
  She surprised me. My bunkmate gave me a speech about how this meant I was part of the crew and being part of the crew meant I needed to honor that ship. Not sure what he meant. I watched the crew leave. I am once again the watch stander and the airlock stander, double duty.  I don’t mind, it is quiet and gives me a chance to write you.
  I thought I hated this job, but when it comes down to it. I think that I love this more than everything that I have ever down.  No, I don’t like the smell of poo, but I do like the chance that has been given me.
  I love you,

53. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Pearl Hicks
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/29 12:11 Received: 2506/11/29 12:18

  Just letting you know that I have been closed down.  They say that I am not under arrest or that I have been shut down,  But the power to my  pods and tubes have gone off line. The repair guy says that he can’t find anything wrong with the units. Tom watch out me and you go way back. I took your son in and know I am in trouble.  I am not saying that there is a connection I am saying be careful.

52. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Stockholm station, Jubilee, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/29  10:15  Received: 2506/11/29 10:47

Dear mom and Dad,
  Sorry, I have not had time to write. I have been climbing threw the bowels of the station cleaning the injectors and pushing the human waste out of the stir tanks. Most of the time, I can’t smell anything. But last night I forgot to lock down the hydro-piping and ended up wearing a coat of gray water. I was just lucky that it was only kitchen waste water.  The smell was quite alarming. I understand why Harry stays so far back.  He knew I was only a matter of time before one of the injectors broke free.
  I spend the rest of the shift cleaning my mess form the crawl space. I could hear the people passing above in the kitchen complaining of the smell.
  After an hour, in decontamination and one long shower I still smell like that something that came out of the south end of a north bound cow.
  I will write more after lunch.
  Tell Darrel that he better be staying out of my bunk.
  Love your son, Conall.


51. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/25  07:16 Received: 2506/11/25 07:44

Dear Mom and Dad,
  How are you?  I miss you and can’t wait to hear from you.  Last night was a little disturbing. I was awaken in the morning by a strange sound, it was like a bang or a clang, and maybe a couple of thumps.  I was told to stay in my bunk but it didn’t stop me from listen at the hatchway. I heard woman talking.  They didn’t sound like anyone on the ship.  They sounded fancy.
  I woke up, and was told we are heading to Stockholm station, near Jubilee. So you can write me there?
Conall Murray


50. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Spacer recruit John Sinclair
Building 1987, room 9, bunk 15
Camp Jonestown, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/24 14:11  Received: 2506/11/24 14:13

  Dear Miss Murray,
  All is well  here, I am learning how to be a man. We rise early and march until breakfast. We learn how to follow orders and count on the Alliance to show us the way.  We are learning how to in force the charter laid out before us.  I will be writing as ordered once each week. I hope you don’t mind, my uncle doesn’t want me to write anymore. I called me a Purple Belly.  I hope that he is okay.  I think that they read our waves here.
  Your friend,
     SR, John Sinclair


49. Cortex: In coming Message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
ATT, S. Stevens
Borah ATT office
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/19  16:33 Received: 2506/11/19  16:33

Greeting and Salutations,
  I am writing to inform you that I have worked out a deal with Green leaf land management concerning your land report. It is a payment plan for the remainder for what you own on the property.  The first payment of 120 credits is due no later than Wednesday.
  I use a loop hole in the original charter of Greenleaf‘s settlement act. If a man in incarcerated and owes back taxes or debt he can not lose his family home as long as children under voting age still resides at said home.  I must inform you not to tell anyone about this arrangement.  They are changing the law and I made a deal with the Magistrate of Borah.
  In the end you get to keep you’re your home provided that you make the payment each month.
Hope that everything if going well and I am again sorry I wasn’t able to save your husband from the community service work camp.

ATT, S. Stevens

48. Cortex: In coming Message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/22  14:32 Received: 2506/11/22 14:50

  Dear mom and dad,
  I am sorry; I fell asleep and missed my last, Gorram chance at taken another still of Greenleaf.  I look out in all direction and I filly get why they call it the black.  It is a lonely place I find myself. Not only outside the vessel but inside as well. The crew either sleep, works or keep to themselves. I am not allowed on the bridge, it is the only place that is off limits, but I do have the run of the ship.  Kathy invited me to go jogging later. She the upper spine of the ship and then back down to the engine room where after a windy path back up to the spine to end around crew quarters. I was told that this ship isn’t the biggest but if you were to count the ten tanks that we have strapped together we are only match in size by an Alliance citadel.
  I didn’t get a chance to ask the Captain, why she had a large turn over. She just laughed and said, “Who wants to run crap from one side of the verse to the other.” I laughed, “Well, you do, for one.”  That is when she looked at me coldly and said, “I that’s not all I do, boy.” For a small woman she scares me.
  I didn’t comment on what she meant but I get the feeling another show is going to be dropped and I am going to make a point to be far away when it does.
  When I get the destination of where we’re going I will let you know. They are sure secretive about certain things on this ship.
  Love you,


47. Cortex: In coming Message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Glen Murray
345932 Thruston ave,  #5932
City of Westport, Ariel, BH

Sent: 2506/11/21  07:47 Received: 2506/11/21 10:23

Dear our borderland family,
  How have you been? We are fine. The war hasn’t really changed anything. Maybe a few more shortages but that is to be expected. We watch the news waves for mention of your back water planet. But they seem to be concentrating their coverage of everywhere else. It just goes to show you how out of reach you are from civilization.
  If only you and your family would be willing to come back to Ariel. I am sure father’s employment agency could find you work in the factories. They are hiring anyone that wants work. Not far from here they are producing skiffs at a rate of 4 an hour.  You can almost tell time by the test fights over the apartment building.  They are also manufacture rollers few kilometers from here.
  I wish you would just come back.  It has been far too many years, since you ran from home for the spacer life. Father says you have chosen your side. I know you are loyal to the Alliance cause. We hear daily speeches on every channel of the cortex, the people of Parliament just want peace.
  Well, I am heading off to the factory, we are making Electronic Clipboard for our part of the war effort.
  God save the Parliament,
  Glen Murray


46. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/20  10:29 Received: 2506/11/20 10:41

Dear mom, it has been a busy night. The Captain is a hard woman to work for. I have been going from station to station learning the different jobs. Because once we get under way life aboard will slow down and I will have to study by simulation and not hands on which I prefer.  We are a day out from the Motherlode, the asteroid belt between Greenleaf and the Red sun. We will be passing near the planet New Melbourne by Monday I should think. Then a sharp change of course and we dump our load of waste.  I am told that this past of the run is the most dangerous.  But I should be fine.  Don’t reply to this message. I would get it. I also found out we are not going to Jubilee, I guess the flight path is a little more fluid than what I was told.
The photo of Greenleaf was taken from the rear cargo hatch, It filled my view finder. I will write when I can. Love Conall.


45. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
ATT, S. Stevens
Borah ATT office
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/19  10:13 Received: 2506/11/19  10:13

Miss Brenna Murray,
I am waving you, to inform you of the sorrow, I feel for you circumstances and to inform you that your, husband, one Tom Murray, was sentenced to 6 week community service.

This is a light sentence for the charges he faced but still on of man of his years it won’t be an easy one. I believe that he will be sent to the mines as all others that received community service in the past, regardless of his age.

If you would like to pay for his food and better lodging you may do so at the Borah Magistrates office. I would encourage you to do so. The food that is served I hear is not very good and the tents tend to leak. It is a nominal fee but one that I would over look.

Thank you for you attention,
ATT, S. Stevens

44. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/19  08:20 Received: 2506/11/19  08:30

Okay mom this is it we are detached and I am to get back to work learning as many systems that I can before Jubilee if I can’t find something I am good at Captain Jack will drop me off there.  So I will let you know.  I have been told that since we are out in the black even though I can still see the station it will take longer for the message to reach you. So don’t worry. Love your son. Conall.

43.Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/19  06:13 Received: 2506/11/19  06:20

  Dear mother, It is 6 am in the morning on the 19th. We are making for a 6:14 time of departure. The Basure is full and making ready to leave.  Everyone is running around checking and double checking systems. I have been told to stay out of the way.
  Once we leave port we will not be getting messages. I will be able to send updates out in the black but as we get close to the gravity well of the star we will loose reception all together. That is were we dump our cargo. It get pulled into the fusion furnace and burns up eventually.
  Then the our flight path will take us to Jubilee and yes I will get plenty of stills for everyone.
  So, how is everyone taking the trouble with the Feds, are there any protest out in Wexford.  Well, I need to be…….. Message ended.


42. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:      
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/18  17:21 Received: 2506/11/18  17:28
Dear mom,
  I know things seem dark right now but they will turn shiny soon I just know it. I will do as you say and stay put. I will also send you some credits just as soon as I can. Everyone says I was born to work in waste. At least, I think that is a complement on my work ethic but I could be wrong. They are a different lot.
  We will be leaving Rivers edge first thing in the morning. I will write as soon as I can to tell you everything that has been going on that last few day. I have to go clean the injector ports. It doesn't sound like all that much fun.

41. Cortex: In coming message


To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Diana Ward,
All units and console locations,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/18  14:17  Received: 2506/11/18 14:17

I just heard that Tom in the others got themselves bound by the law. Have you heard from his attorney yet. If you haven’t let me know and I will see if Omar and look  into is in charge of the case and then find out from them who will be representing Tom. Remember to keep you head up and we are praying at church for the men that were arrested as well for our town.  Who’s big idea was it to head done to Borah and talk to the Magistrate about the land trouble? War is coming like a storm in the hills, can you here the noise.
In my prays,

40. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Port master Darren Embre
Port master’s office
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/18  10:24 Received: 2506/11/18 10:31

This is a automated message, your message has been received, and will be forward to the addressee as soon as possible, note if the addressee is not in port. The Message will be archived and can be accessed by the addressee as soon as addressee is available.

“Conall Scott Murray(STOP) You will do know such thing(STOP) Yes, We might lose the farm but you coming back here and getting yourself corpse-afied wouldn’t help anyone. You will stay where you are or so help me I wi…”

39. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/18  10:12 Received: 2506/11/19  10:19

Dear mom,
Why didn’t you tell me that the farm was in trouble. Here I been going off on how great its been up on the station and the while spending the farm report money.  How am I supposed to deal with this. I will come home of course. There is just enough credit left in my account to get to Borah.
Look for me on the train in the morning.
What does dad think I would just head out into the black without putting up a fight when they come take our home.


38. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Miss Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Constable Ridenour
Borah Constables’ office
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/17  17:23 Received: 2506/11/17 17:24

I am writing to inform you that Tom Murray has been bound by law. He is being head here in Borah for the charge of sedition. This is just a courtesy letter. Please don’t note reply. I am sure that his attorney will contact you in a few days.
Thank you, for your attention. Long live the Alliance.
Jacob Ridenour

37. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Port master Darren Embre
Port master’s office
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/17  16:19 Received: 2506/11/17 16:26

This is a automated message, your message has been received, and will be forward to the addressee as soon as possible, note if the addressee is not in port. The Message will be archived and can be accessed by the addressee as soon as addressee is available.

“My Dear boy ( stop) It was so lovely to hear you are becoming a man. Your father was a spacer and it is in your blood. (Stop) I heard about John, no one has told his mother yet. (Stop)  I do have some bad news about the farm…”

36. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/17 15:10 Received: 2506/11/17 15:17

Dear Mom and Dad,
  The address is only good for as long as we are tied up, docked whatever they call it. Once we are out in the black, I will try to give you my destination so you can write me there. Always c/o Port master. I am sure you can figure it out. I hear we are heading to two station near Jubilee. I have never seen Jubilee before, I mean up-close. I mean other than though dad scope. I hear the planet is lovely this time of year.
  Stay up,

35. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Conall Murray,
Basure, C/o Port master
Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/17 10:15  Received: 2506/11/17 10:23

Dear Mom,
  I am sorry it seems so long sense I can contacted you. I left the tubes and met Captain Jack. She was a surprise. Captain Jack is a woman. Her full name if Jenny Jackson, but everybody calls her Captain Jack. She is two feet shorter that I or it that me, well anyways she said that I will do until she finds someone better then it is the airlock for me.  Hope we are at port when I go throw that airlock. She didn’t make that entirely clear.
  I was put on the watch the first night. Talk about boring, at least you can watch the grass grow in the hills of Sarah. My job was to stand at the airlock door and make sure no one came throw me that wasn’t supposed to be there.
  I wasn’t exactly how to tell who was suppose to be on the Basure and who wasn’t. She like my creativity. I asked everyone that came aboard what color the head was in the crew area.  It was a trick question. The head is closed for repairs so the answers I got was something on the accord.
  The Basure is 400 meters long and almost as wide. Our purpose is the evaluation of waste products on every station in the system. I almost lost my breakfast the first time I came on board. The General smell of the vessel is of poo and trash.
  Captain Jack has a contract with every station Alliance and Rebel controlled. Something about human waste ending up on the out side of the star ships makes it easy to hook up to the stations and get the job done.
  Well, I am going for know. I need to get am myself sorted for training in waste management and exchange. Oh, did you hear that john is ran off the Greenleaf Guard. I bet his mama and Uncle are upset if he tells them at all. You know his father died on Coyata ridge fighting for the Alliance.
  Love you all,


34. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
William Thortan
Unit 450
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/16 10 16:49 Received: 2506/11/16 16:49

To Tom,
  You had a lot of good points last night. If you want someone to stand with you tomorrow, I can be counted on. I will go with you to Borah in the morning.
  Your friend, bill

33. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Porter John Sinclair
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/16 07:42  Received: 2506/11/16 07:42

We are sorry that there was no one named, (Porter John Sinclair) at that address to receive your wave. Would you like me to FORWARD,  the message or save it as a DRAFT.

“John, are you out of you fool head, stop this and get yourself back to Wexford. The military is no place for anyone from the Hills of Sarah. Your uncle will whip you for just thinking about this. We love you like a son….”

32. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Cortex address:      
Porter John Sinclair
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/16 07:41  Received: 2506/11/16 07:41

  Well, I have some news. You know how you and you husband have treated me like kin all my life. I can’t tell my uncle, he would stop me for sure. I am going to send up with the Guard, it is a wing of the Alliance military. The same unit Conall was going to serve.
  Tell my Uncle that I can’t be a Porter all my life. I leave today for Jonestown, for basic. The recruiter says that is where I will become a man.
   I will write when I can.
  John Sinclair.


31. Cortex: In coming message


To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Diana Ward,
All units and console locations,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/15 17:30 Received: 2506/11/15 17:30

  Dear everyone,
My husband didn’t write the letter that has his Mark on it. It doesn’t even sound like him. The funny thing was we got one too.  They are going after my home same as the rest. God isn’t in the hearts of these Fed’s. They are just after the land. The amount seems so little, but when you don’t have it. Well, spoke my peace.
  Diana Ward.

30. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Deputy Omar Ward,
Land Marshals’ office
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/15  17:00 Received: 2506/11/15 17:23

This is an official notice to inform, Mr. Tom Murray and Miss Brenna Murray listed landlords’ of land parcel numbered 095551550-3. That a judgment has been file with the Greenleaf land management. The existing tax bill of 650.00 along with the penalty fee of 23%. Is due later that 5 pm the 16 of November. The balance as of today is 799.50 credits.
A reminder that 3.8 will be assessed at 5:01 on November 16th, 2506.
Deputy Omar Ward

29. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
William Thortan
Unit 450
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/15  16:49 Received: 2506/11/15 16:49

To Tom,
I am going to the meeting. Those boys seem like they know what they are doing. We need to stand up for our rights. Tom, your going right. You know what it means. Lets head over early if you are going.
  Your friend, bill

28. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Dennis Johnson,
Unit 450
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/15  15:59 Received: 2506/11/15 15:59

Hey you two going to the meeting tomorrow night. I am and the Ferguson’s  are. Since, the trouble in Freemont last spring. it would be a great place to have the meeting. Those people understand what the government can do, you heard the rumors same as the rest of us.

27. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Deputy Omar Ward,
Land Marshals’ office
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/15  15:10 Received: 2506/11/15 15:10

I reckon times are tough and the future seems dark. We need to hang together and Come together. There is a few of us meeting at the Airlock over in Freemont tomorrow tonight at 7 . You will be among friends.
 Your friend, Omar.


26. Cortex: In coming message


To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Diana Ward,
Unit 1600
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/14 10 15:03 Received: 2506/11/14 15:03

Missed you in church today. Everyone was talking about the letters that went out to everyone last week. It seems you are the only one to have trouble with the Land service. No one can afford the taxes this year and not one extension was accepted. Omar would quit the Marshal’s service but then that would leave us with no income at all. He just feels terrible about the letters he sent out.  He also noticed that no one talked to him at church today. It isn’t his fault. We need to blame the people back in Parliament for raising the taxes. The Ferguson’s taxes are more than what they made at market for the crops. The reason that was given was that the land office believes the blight was caused by them so they are taxed on the same production as last years.
God save us.

25. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray      
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/14 9:02 Received: 2506/11/14 9:09

  This is the big day. I got up and had breakfast with Miss. Hicks, she was sure good to me. She even refunded the remainder of the rent for the tube. I reckon that she knows yall are of little means.
  So how much was the Crop report this year? You haven’t said much about it either way.
  Miss Hicks told me to tell you that I won’t be back here once I leave. So don’t write back until I have an address on the Basure
  She seems to know a lot about spacing and the black. That is what they call it up here., the Black, the void of space.
  Well, I will send you a wave when I can. One day mama, I will buy you that console you always wanted to you can see vids. It will be shiny.
  Dad don’t worry about me, I am staying out of the Underdeck. I went by there and it seemed like a rough place. One day you will have to let me know how you know so much about the Rivers Edge station.
  Little Darrel, I know you aren’t little but you are going to have to pull your wait around the farm. Keep your head up and stick to your learning.
  Stay shiny

24. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:
Tom Murray
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Cortex Address:
Stacy Timmes
Public box
Havensgate, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/14 03:23 Received: 2506/11/14 03:53

We understand 11/20 will see about child care.


23. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray      
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/13 9:12 Received: 2506/11/13 9:19

Dear mom,
  Miss Hicks would like your raisin bread recipe. I told her how you won the bake off last month at the fair and she wants to know if she could have it and if you think it would raise properly in station gravity.
  I heard from the Basura, it is due in tomorrow. I look forward  to getting a look at it. I here it is one of the biggest vessels the comes to port here at the Rivers edge.
  It has a crew of 11 but could have at least  20 from what I understand.
 Stay shiny,

22. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:
Tom Murray
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Cortex Address:
Stacy Timmes
Public box
Freemont, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/13 03:43 Received: 2506/11/13 04:15

Understood, the bird has left the coop, and the toy solders are active.


21. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray      
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/12 18:32 Received: 2506/11/12 18:39

  Dear Mom and Dad,
  I am glad to hear that dad turned in the crop report in on time. I bet they were surprised at the production this year. Hope the payment isn’t too much, I remember last year how we almost lost the farm. If it wasn’t for that extension we would never have made it through report season.
  I am bidding my time at the Tube inn. The conditions are cramped, I am used to the openness of the fields on Hills of Sarah. It is quiet, for the most part. Sometimes you here the shock troopers running down the corridors, they are training hard to protect the station from attack.
  Miss Hicks says that are double the about of security that was here just 6 months ago. She thought dad would think that was interesting. I also found out that her husband isn’t in the Alliance Military, so that one leaves one other side. It doesn’t really matter to me I guess what side he is on. I am not picking sides. There is too much life to live.
  There goes the alarm again. They seem to be running drills every few hours.
  Stay shiny,

20. Cortex: Incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Deputy Omar Ward,
Land Marshals’ office
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/12 10 15:20 Received: 2506/11/12 15:20

 Surprise, surprise, sorry they rejected your extension. Tom this is important. You need to come up with the report and payment on time.
  They are already making plans to sell property, later on this month.
  We have been friend since before this planet was colonized. You need to take this seriously. Tell Brenna that my wife says she is praying for your family.
  Your friend,
  Omar Ward.

19. Cortex: In coming message

To Coretex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Robert Jefferson,
Office of Greenleaf Land and Development
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/12  12:01 Received: 2506/11/12 12:22

This is to inform you that your application for an extension for assessments against land parcel numbered 095551550-3 has been denied. Full payment of 650 credits is due no later than midnight, 11/15/2506.

After the listed date, a penalty of 23% will be assessed with a further 3.8% penalty each additional day payment is not made.
If and when the total amount due reaches 33.3% of the land value as assessed by Federal law as stated in the Unification Doctrine, the property will be sold at auction.

  1. Your expected date of sale is November 22, 2506.

  2. Any items left on the property at the time of the auction will be forfeit.

  3. Owners of the property being auctioned will be held liable for all costs relating to the auction of the property as well as title transfer.

  4. All occupants of properties being auctioned must vacate said property prior to the auction.  Noncompliance will result in immediate arrest and detention of all offending parties pending trial for trespassing.

Robert Jefferson

18 Cortex: In coming message


To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Core address:
Deputy Omar Ward,
Land Marshals’ office
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/12 10 8:00 Received: 2506/11/12 08:01

This is a reminder.

 Mr. Tom Murray and Miss Brenna Murray listed landlords’ of land parcel numbered 095551550-3. Quarterly crop reports are due at 5pm. If you are unable to make this dead line, you are entitled to file an extension by no later than 12 pm, today.

Extensions are on an approved basis as listed in the unification provisional doctrine.

If they don’t approve your extension they can take your damn land if you are late.

Omar Ward, Deputy Land Marshal


17. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray    
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/11 20:56 Received: 2506/11/11 21:03

  Dear mom and dad,
  I know that I said I wouldn’t write until tomorrow but I had bestest news ever. I got a job. It is just a deck hand position on the Basura. It doesn’t pay much on the first trip, but, Captain Jack’s agent told me that no one gets paid their first time out into the black, because of all the turn over. If I do well I will have half wages on the second trip  and each trip after that until I prove my worth.
  Thanks for not giving up on me.
  One thing I noticed, this afternoon was that Falcon lifted off out of Borha, I had never seen the ship fly. For as long as I can remember it has sat there in the city. Must be something going on with the war. It looked beautiful going through the atmosphere as the dirt fell off her from the years of setting on the ground.
  This message didn’t cost me anything, Mrs. Hicks was kind enough to let me write you and tell you all about my job and what I saw.
Well, I need to be going, Love you,

16. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray    
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/11 09:49 Received: 2506/11/11 09:56

  Yes, mama, I will listen to you and not send him a wave.  It is sure strange, do you really think that they are after me on Arson charges.  I can see why you want me to stay put.
  And I know it cost a lot of credits to send waves, I am sorry, I wasted Dad’s credits on such a brief message.

  I will send another wave tomorrow to let you know what happened.
  Stay shinny,

15. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray    
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/11 09:34 Received: 2506/11/11 09:41

What do you mean don’t send him a wave?

14. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray    
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/11 08:11 Received: 2506/11/11 08:18

Dear mom,
  I got your message and yes, I am comfortable with the accommodations. I slept in a tube last night. I wasn’t used to the closed quarters but it was comfortable. My feet hung out the bunk due to my size. I was the butt of a more than a few jokes. However, I held my anger.
  I am to meet with Captain Jack’s agent today at noon, for lunch. Mrs. Hicks says, I better impress him I want the job with Captain Jack.
  Did you hear on the Coretex were the Moosehead burn to the ground? I am just glad I wasn’t there when it happened.
  I am going  to send a wave down to John later to see how everything is going and to let him know what is going on with me.  Hope he can send you my things later this week. I have a good feeling about this interview.
  They sure speak a lot of Chinese up here. I really have to reach sometime to understand them. Then there was a guy that spoke old core, he said, ‘Yall’ and I lost him.
  Anyway, I will let you know what happened later.
  Your son,


13. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:
Conall Murray    
The Rivers Edge Tubes,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/10 20:11 Received: 2506/11/10 20:18

Dear Mom and Dad,
  Where did you get the credits to send me? They came at a good time. I was tired and hungry when I just checked the my messages. I am a little confused about your message.
  You want me to stay for a week and see how it goes?
  Thank you, for getting me the room, it was quite unexpected. Mrs. Hicks is taking good care of me. I took my first shower in a few days and she is loaning  me some of her husbands clothing. He is off fighting for the Alliance on Shadow.
  She is getting me in touch with the Captain of the Basura. It is a garbage scowl out of  Jubilee. It sounds like hard work , but  at least it is a job.
  Your son,

12. Cortex: News in the ZQ

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Cortex address:
Not listed

Sent: 2506/11/10 17:00 Received: 2506/11/10 17:21

This is your 5:00 o’clock update, for today November 11, 2506.

Borha, Greenleaf: Fire burns down three establishments. A suspected arsonist is being sought in connection with the fire. No deaths reported.

War: The unification last month sent shock waves of unrest across the verse. “It means war,” as quoted from Alliance General White’s answer, when asked what he planned to do about the unrest on Shadow and nameless other planets presently uprising against the Alliances new Unification plan.

Crop news:  All crop reports are due by 15:00 on Friday the 12th. Extensions must be file no later than 12:00 on same day. Payments on crop tax are due on the 15th by midnight. Alliance authority warns non-payment of taxes will result in binding of debtors and sale of foreclosures will be held o on Monday the 22 at 08:00.

Cheap land for sale: Land agent, Harry Mason wants out credits.  He has large parcels available in the Freemont area. The Wexford development never looked better. If you have any queries on pricing and availability please contact him in Town of Freemont at the Larkin’ Land agency.

That is you week in news for Borha and the surrounding area.

11. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Porter John Sinclair
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/10 17:00 Received: 2506/11/10 17:00

  Just thought I would let you know that the constables were at the camp this morning, they think he was in the fire with the rest of the treasonous Bastards. They are letting the matter drop and no further investigation.  They also took his belongings. You know, they are going to auction it off for the cost of the investigation.  Bunch of thieves if you ask me, but don‘t tell anyone I said that.
  Tell Conall he is in the clear, but should stay clear of the constables and of course the Recruiter stark. I think he wants to talk to him. I keep running in to him in town and he asked about him.
  John Sinclair

10. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Conall Murray
Port side Cargo Bay,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/10 12:45 Received: 2506/11/10 12:52

Dear Mom and Family,
  I am depressed a little. I had some trouble finding a place to sleep.  I ended up sleeping in a small room off the secondary cargo bay only to be kicked in the morning by a dock worker. He told me that if he caught me there again he would throw me out an airlock and no one would care about the likes of me.
  I want to come home, but don’t have the credits to get back. There aren’t that many ships on the way to Borha. So I have to be careful not to end up on the wrong side of the planet. The cost of getting back will be astronomical.
  Ted Jenson that man that brought me up here left for Ariel last night. They would hire me because the Captain doesn’t hire from Systems that people don’t want to come back to, what ever that meant?
  As soon as, I find someone heading to Borha, I will be back. This space life isn’t for me. The gravity generators on board make me sick to my stomach. Luckily, I haven’t had anything to eat so there is nothing to come up.
  You can write me back by sending messages to, my self, CO General Delivery, Rivers Edge station, Greenleaf, OZ.
  I sorry that I every left home.
  Please forgive me,

9. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Porter John Sinclair
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/10 07:35 Received: 2506/11/10 07:35

  Thanks for letting me know where Conall is and yes, I will keep this little secrete between me and you, Miss Murray.  The Moosehead inn was burnt to the ground last night. I am not sure what happened. Just heard it was on fire and went out to watch.  They say a few people died but didn’t see anything on the Coretex about the matter.
  Have a great day.


8. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Cortex address:      
Second LT John Stark
Borha Alliance recruitment center,
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ


Sent: 2506/11/09 16:59 Received: 2506/11/09 17:00

To the parents of Mr. Conall Murray,
I am informing you that a warrant for you son, Conall Murray will not be filed at this time. I am noting the disappearance of Conall Murray in my daily log with the local authorities.  If you have any questions please send them to the Borha constables’ office, City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ.
If Conall ever shows up please let him know that my recruitment door is always open for the likes of him.
Gods speed on the recovery of your boy.
John Stark.

7. Cortex: incoming message

To Coretex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Coretex address:      
Porter John Sinclair
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/09 12:35 Received: 2506/11/09 12:35

 Sorry, just had a brake from work. Tell Conall that he maybe in a little trouble with the law. They were just at the camp looking for him. Something about some agreement he had with Stark somebody.
 Oh, and tell him that the Moosehead inn is off limits if he wants a job with Blue Sun or the military. I have been told officially that the place is a den of anti-union brown something a rather.
 Just tell him to stay clear. I was told that the place will be shut down in a few hours and anyone there will be arrested.
 Your friend,

    John Sinclair

6. Cortex: incoming message

To Coretex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ

From Coretex address:      
Second LT John Stark
Borha Alliance recruitment center,
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ


Sent: 2506/11/09 12:01 Received: 2506/11/09 12:01

To the parents of Mr. Conall Murray,
I wish to inform you that your son missed a meeting this morning regarding his future in the military. Please inform him that if he doesn’t come in soon.  I will be forced to issue a warrant on the grounds that he has broken a verbal agreement between himself and a dually appointed representative of the Alliance Military.
Thank you for you due diligence,
Lt John Stark

5. Cortex: incoming message

To Coretex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Coretex address:      
Conall Murray
Port side Cargo Bay,
Rivers edge station, Greenleaf, ZQ


Sent: 2506/11/09 02:33 Received: 2506/11/09 02:33

Dear Mom and Dad.
 John and I went to the Moosehead again. I was kind of talked out of going to the recruiter in the morning. I was offered a change to come to Rivers edge. I caught a shuttle out of Borha from a second officer of a transport ship. I was hoping to get on with that crew, but the captain said he wasn’t looking for anyone.
 It is early in the morning down on the farm, but it is sunny up here.  I have never seen the view from the station. I can see down to the planet and the little dot, that someone told me is Borha. I can also see the moon of Dyton.
  If the recruiter sends someone around looking for me tell him I took a side trip. I am hoping I can find a job up here. I was told that there are always opportunities in orbit. That a man can’t find down on the planet.
 Can you also send a wave to John telling him were I am at. We got separated shortly after he announced who he worked for. I sure he is okay. But might want to just send a wave along to make sure. I would but it cost 3 credits to send waves down to the planet side.
 Love you and please down worry,


4. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Conall Murray
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/11/08 17:30 Received: 2506/11/08 17:30

  Great news,
 I drop my application off at Rockford and a recruiter happened to see my job request. I have an appointment in the morning for a chance to serve my planet. I know there is a War, but he said I wouldn’t have to fight. It’s great pay and I would get to see many things that I wouldn’t see on the farm.
 I got your wave, and no, I am not in danger and the train yard is really quiet at night. The alliance guards the area, do to the war. They know who we are and don’t mind us camping there because John works for blue sun, I mean Rockford. We have to call it Rockford for reasons I am not sure about.
 Well anyways, I thought I would give you the great news. John and I are off to the Moosehead inn to celebrate.
  Your son, Conall

3. Cortex: incoming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:    
Conall Murray
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ
Sent: 2506/11/08 10:13 Received: 2506/11/08 10:14

Dear Mom and Dad,
   What they say about the city is true you could loose yourself. I witnessed a riot last night, I'm not even sure what all them people we're so upset over. John and I went to a place called the Moosehead inn and from their front window we watched as the 100 people marched towards the Hill gate. It leads to where all the rich people live from what I was told.
   The constables were out in force and rounded up most of them. It was like they knew where to be. The owner of the bar closed the front up and we snuck out the back. We are still in the wagon and we got it stashed in the train yard. It is noisy at times but doesn't cost anything to camp there.
   I am still looking for work and I was told if I was to go back to the Moosehead inn tonight and I might find a job.
   Well, John's boss is coming in soon and I am not supposed to be here.
   Tell Darrel to stay out of my room.
    Love you,


2. Cortex: incoming message you have mail.

To Cortex address:          
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:    
Conall Murray
Borha cargo and storage
City of Borha, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent 2506/11/07 16:25    Received 2506/11/07 16:25

Dear Mom and Dad,
   We made it out of the Hills of Sarah in good time the wagon did get stuck once or twice but all in all it was a good trip. We applied at Rockford and Sun along with two hundred other souls. John was the lucky one, he got hired and started this afternoon.
   I am writing to tell you that I am going to stay the night, and look for work in the morning. If you need to get a hold of me you can send a message to John Sinclair at this address. This is his new job. Well, I have to get going I don't want him to lose his job on the first day.
    Your son,


November 6, 2506

Hey Mom,
  I am sure you heard about the mill closing. It is all over town.  John heard they are opening the mill under new management. You know I don't have any thing against blue sun.  I am heading into Borha to  sign up with their local office. Tell dad I will be back tomorrow on the train.
    Love you.