
64. Cortex: In coming Message

To Cortex address:        
Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Glen Murray
345932 Thruston ave,  APT. 5932
City of Westport, Ariel, BH

Sent: 2506/12/10  06:20 Received: 2506/12/10 8:56

Dear Brenna,
  It was a sad day yesterday when we received you wave about Tom. It was a good man he didn’t deserve to die at the Community Service camp.  It does sound like a vile place. So you have not been about to tell Conall about his father.  He was always like his father heading out to be a spacer leaving his family to fend for themselves.
  We have been doing well, I have started working in the weapons side of the factory. I know I said I wouldn’t ever be made to work there, but the job came available and I was asked to transfer.  Besides I need to pay for the 150 cm cor-view that I got the wife.
  If there is anything I can do let me know. If you want to move back to civilization I will come up with the credits somehow. After call money is tight these days.
  Tell Darrel and Conall to be strong.
  Glen Murray


63. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/09  09:09 Received: 2506/12/09 09:39

Dear mom and dad,
  Things are looking up, yesterday, I spend the day on the bridge observing the day to day, running of the ship. It was the first time I was allowed on the bridge. I have never seen some many blinking lights. I mostly stayed out of the way.  Harry asked the Captain on my behalf for a little time on the bridge. I think he is getting a little tired of me to tell you the truth. We work together running through a long list of engine check three times a day and then end up in the same cabin trying to get some sleep.
  The day went by fast and Scotty regaled me with stories of his younger years, moon jumping and smuggling meds out to the rim. He says that there are a lot of planets and moons that the Alliance doesn’t help. They have left them to survive for years on their own. Now that they are surviving the Alliance is forcing them to unite.
  He sounded a lot like the bartender at the Moosehead, back in Borha. Well that will have to be enough for now.
  Your son, Conall


62. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Spacer recruit John Sinclair
Building 1987, room 9, bunk 15
Camp Jonestown, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/06 13:14  Received: 2506/12/06 13:16

  Dear Miss Murray
Well, I would like to apologize for calling this place hell. I had to perform 4 days of kitchen duty for my out burst. I know now that it is important to treat others and the Guard with respect at all times and I shamed myself when I speak out of turn. As I write this letter be most assured that it will be read by one of my officers. This is done with all the new recruits make sure that I have not spoken out of turn once again. I didn’t mean for it to sound as if this place was indeed the place of the underworld.
  Respect is what it is all about, between the core planets, where modern civilization was reborn and they fledgling planets. Where the war will soon take us, we will fight for what is right, that right is what we are told.
  Your friend, John.


61. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/05  17:02 Received: 2506/12/05 17:34

My dearest mother and father,
  I am sorry, I didn’t feel like adding anything yesterday. The ships crew was haunted by what we witnessed. The Captain made an announcement that the Alliance cruiser wasn’t only standing down from helping the Little transport but they weren’t letting anyone else give aid.
  I feel a bulge in my stomach, I now know, what it means to say that I am having trouble swallow the situation. It came over the local feed that a type one Firefly was caught transporting illegal cargo.
  What upset me the most was when Jewels said that she didn’t think that is was cargo but refuges that the firefly was hauling.  It didn’t make sense why they would destroy perfectly good cargo unless they found it to be worthless.
  How can a government call people worthless? Well I guess that is what this war is all about.
  Well, most of the work is done until we get to Howard station near Arson’s World. I think I am going to try to get some rest.
  Your son, Conall


60. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/04  09:14 Received: 2506/12/04 09:41

Dear mom and dad,
  I saw the most horrible scene today unfold out the portside observation hatch. I say a cargo ship, I think someone said is was a Firefly burning in space.  I thought that you could see fire in space. But Harry said it was only escaping oxygen and fuel from then engines.
  I asked why the Alliance curser was just letting it burn. His reply was that they don’t spend to much time with matters that don’t directly involve them.  As we passed the old Firefly, it exploded and almost disappeared completely.
  It made me more nervous than every about heading out into the Black.  I have to go, sorry, it is so short today. Tell dad to save me a deer on the hunt this year. If Darrel wants he can use my rifle, if it is alright with you.
  Love Conall


59. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
ATT, S. Stevens
Borah ATT office
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/03  13:23   Received: 2506/12/03  13:23

Miss Brenna Murray,
I am waving you, to inform you of the sorrow, I feel for you circumstances and to inform you that your, husband, one Tom Murray, was killed during community service.

If you would like to pay for Body disposal, you may do so at the Borah Magistrates office. I would encourage you to do so. As for my fee I will be forward you an itemized bill in the next few days.

Thank you for you attention,
ATT, S. Stevens

58. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Cortex address:      
Spacer recruit John Sinclair
Building 1987, room 9, bk 15
Cp Jonestown, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/03/24 13:21  Received: 2506/12/03 13:23

  Dear Miss Murray,
  Greeting from hell, well it does feel like it some times.  We work out our mind’s as mush as our body’s. This is the started of the three week of training. We have been working on learning about law and how to kill Browncoats, that is what our instructors call the traitors that side with the independents. The all are just a bunch of pond scum and I plan to do a little cleaning of my own one day.  Our instructors were on Jubilee during the uprising a few years back and they really showed the protesters a thing or two. I asked about the women and children.
  The Guardsman’s repeat was, “There wasn’t any woman and children, Just traitors to the core beliefs.” I got the feeling he didn’t really answered my question but he did look cool in his dress uniform. He pointed out the tunic button on his uniform and said, “That’s what I got for killing those no good Browncoats.
Your friend,


57. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Tom and Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Conall Murray,
In Transition, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/02  17:15 Received: 2506/12/02 17:47

Dear mom and dad,
  List few nights ago I was introduced to a drink called Mudder’s milk. We went to a throat emporium that looked kind of quiet until Deckers and Spacers started to get into to a quarrel.  I have never seen such a disturbance of men. The whole lot of us was bound for charges of disturbing the peace.
  I don’t remember much about the jail cell. I spend most of it losing my dinner into the he chromed throne. Harry and I limped back to the ship in the morning and Captain Jack met us at the main hatch. For a little woman, she sure was terrifying. I wasn’t sure she was ever going to let Harry and I come on board.
  Once she managed to grant me access to the ship. We were both told to remain in out cabins until we got underway.  The only reason I got to come out was that Harry and I have jobs to do and we can’t do them locking in out bunks.
  Captain Jack passed me in the corridor and stared me down. I never thought that a little woman could be so scary.  I still feel the affects of the Mudders Milk, it kind of feels like a got hit in the head will a shovel.
  When I get the courage to asked the captain, where we are heading, I will let you know what she says.
  Love Conall.

56. Cortex: In coming message

To Cortex address:        
Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Diana Ward,
Sarah view Apartment, room 12
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/02  13:12  Received: 2506/12/02 13:12

  I am sorry, I didn’t know that go one told you.  Omar just blurted it out.  He had a new job working in the constable’s office. One of his duties is to figure out if any of the prisoners had escaped. He noticed your husbands name on the morning count sheet.  He was sure that you would have already known.  I am sorry honey I feel so heartless just dropping the information into your lap like that.
  We don’t know anything else.
   Your friend

55. Cortex: In coming message


To Cortex address:          
Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Diana Ward, 
Sarah view Apartment, room 12
Borah, Greenleaf, ZQ

Sent: 2506/12/02  11:33  Received: 2506/12/02 11:33

Dear Brenna, 
  What you must be going throw? I just heard from Omar that you were the only one that didn’t loose your farm. But at the same time you lost your husband to the Mining Camps. He was a good man. Have you heard anything else about what happened?  
  I heard rumors that he made a deal with someone in the government and that is why you got to keep your farm. That is why Omar set me straight.  
  Once again I am Sorry for your loss.
  Your friend,