To Cortex address:
Brenna Murray,
Unit 1503,
Township of Wexford, Greenleaf, ZQ
From Core address:
Glen Murray
345932 Thruston ave, APT. 5932
City of Westport, Ariel, BH
Sent: 2506/12/10 06:20 Received: 2506/12/10 8:56
Dear Brenna,
It was a sad day yesterday when we received you wave about Tom. It was a good man he didn’t deserve to die at the Community Service camp. It does sound like a vile place. So you have not been about to tell Conall about his father. He was always like his father heading out to be a spacer leaving his family to fend for themselves.
We have been doing well, I have started working in the weapons side of the factory. I know I said I wouldn’t ever be made to work there, but the job came available and I was asked to transfer. Besides I need to pay for the 150 cm cor-view that I got the wife.
If there is anything I can do let me know. If you want to move back to civilization I will come up with the credits somehow. After call money is tight these days.
Tell Darrel and Conall to be strong.
Glen Murray